Sunday 11 March 2012

Writing is for memory...

  1. Tooth paste
  2. Challenge
  3. Dance 100
  4. Pain comfort
  5. Break it down
  6. Rhythm time
  7. Trust- me, how, Bellson, love
  8. 8-aitain
  9. Pinsentry
  10. Record

Have been working on my reader notes. Reoccurring theme for me idea of writing as a form of memory/preservation. As my focus is doing, today I practiced memorizing rather than writing my ideas down as soon as they occurred.

From brief revision of note taking, used concept of keywords to memorize/trigger my ideas, listed above.

Thought I would share my general thoughts by drawring a mind map with a twist. The depth of the colour links signifies how far from the starting point the thought occurred, as  I do tend to flitter between different thoughts, but this should give you a visual on how I think.

*when started relized was gona be to busy for colour depth to work so used numbers instead, in future wana use powerpoint or film so can show development, like accelerated time drawrings.

Note: relized that as focus is on doing this blog will be my learning process in action.


  1. Anya!

    I agree that the blog plays a huge part in the learning process. Good luck!

  2. Lovely - memory and preservation being the key words. I like the concepts of waiting, will and archiving. I used to like the word and thought abeyance - but now I need to go past that point. All of these concepts can be used to think about the areas under discussion in Module 1. Social media might threaten or preserve memory - reflection is about putting thoughts into context - ad networking links to the communities in which we live and work. I have a book about human learning by Peter Jarvis - never managed to read it through - but I may try now to examine it again... carry on thinking...
